include ../unreal/prelude
import ../codegen/[modelconstructor, ueemit, uebind, models, uemeta]
import std/[json, jsonutils, sequtils, options, sugar, enumerate]
import vminteroppocexample
[x] Try to replace an existing function add hoc, like picking another and calling that one instead.
[x] Try to replace an existing function with a new one
[ ] Try to replace an existing function from the VM manually (it will require interop etc.)
var replacementForSaluteImpl : UFunctionNativeSignature = proc (context: UObjectPtr; stack: var FFrame; returnResult: pointer) : void {.cdecl.} =
# let self = ueCast[AUEBorrowTestActor](context)
UE_Log "You have been replaced!"
uClass AUEBorrowTestActor of AActor:
proc replacementSalute() =
UE_Log "Hola from UObjectPOC instanceFunc. The function was REPLACED!"
let saluteFn = staticClass(UObjectPOC).getFuncsFromClass.first(fn => fn.getName() == "Salute")
for fn in staticClass(UObjectPOC).getFuncsFromClass():
UE_Log "Found function: " & fn.getName()
# fn.setNativeFunc(replacementSalute)
UE_Log "Salute function is: " & $saluteFn