include ../unreal/preludeimport ../codegen/[uemeta] proc regularNimFunction() = UE_Log "This is a regular nim function" UE_Log "This is a regular nim function" UE_Log "This is a regular nim function" #bind the typeconst testActorUEType = UEType(name: "ATestActor", parent: "AActor", kind: uetClass, fields: @[ makeFieldAsUFun("SetColorByStringInMesh", @[ makeFieldAsUProp("color", "FString") ], "ATestActor"), ])genType(testActorUEType) proc nimFunctionCalledInTick() = UE_Log "This is a nim function called in tick" uDelegate FTestDelegate(param:FString) uClass ANimTestActor of ATestActor: (BlueprintType, Blueprintable) uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite): name : FString = "Test2" name2 : FString = "Test2" name3 : FString = uprops(BlueprintAssignable): myDelegate : FTestDelegate ufuncs(BlueprintCallable): proc testPrint2() = UE_Log "Hello test print" proc testStatic() {.static.} = UE_Log "Test static" proc tick(deltaTime:float) = self.setColorByStringInMesh("(R=1,G=0.1,B=0.8,A=1)") #self.testPrint2() proc beginPlay() = UE_Log "Que pasa another change did this carah" regularNimFunction() proc setColorInEditor() {.CallInEditor.} = self.setColorByStringInMesh("(R=0,G=0.5,B=1.2,A=1)") testStatic() echo ""