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Scratchpad example

include ../unreal/prelude
import ../unreal/editor/editor
import std/[strformat, enumutils, options, sugar, json, osproc, strutils, jsonutils, sequtils, os]
import ../codegen/[uemeta, codegentemplate]
import ../../buildscripts/nimforueconfig
# uEnum EMyEnum:
# A
# B
# C
uStruct FMyStructTest:
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
(a, a1, a2, a3) : int
b: float
c : bool
e: float32
f: float32
g: bool
g4: TArray[int]
g5 : UObjectPtr
g7 : FString
uClass AActorScratchpad of AActor:
# uClass AActorScratchpad of APlayerController:
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ExposeOnSpawn):
testw: int32 = 1
# myEnum : EMyEnum
myStruct : FMyStructTest
structPtrName : FString
actorToInspect : AActorPtr
testBool : bool
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Whatever):
testCV : int32 = 1
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
testC4 : int32 = 2
proc beginPlay() =
UE_Warn "Begin called in actor scratchpad"
proc toggleBool() =
self.testBool = not self.testBool
UE_Log &"Bool is now {self.testBool}"
proc printObj() =
UE_Log &"Object name {self.actorToInspect}"
proc modifyStruct() =
self.myStruct.a = 10
proc testEditorPIE() =
UE_Log &"IsInPie {GEditor.isInPIE()}"
proc searchStructPtr() =
let obj = getUTypeByName[UClass]("ActorScratchpad")
if obj.isNil():
UE_Error &"Error struct is null"
let props = getFPropsFromUStruct(obj)
for p in props:
UE_Log $p
let category = p.getMetadata("Category")
UE_Log $category
let funcs = getFuncsFromClass(obj, EFieldIterationFlags.IncludeSuper)
for f in funcs:
UE_Log $f

Test code

#this is temp until we have tests working (have to bind dyn delegates first)
include ../unreal/prelude
import std/[times, strformat, strutils, options, sugar, sequtils, json, jsonutils]
import ../codegen/[uemeta, models]
# proc saySomething(obj: UObjectPtr, msg: FString): void {.uebind.}
# proc testArrays(obj: UObjectPtr): TArray[FString] {.uebind.}
# proc testMultipleParams(obj: UObjectPtr, msg: FString,
# num: int): FString {.uebind.}
# proc boolTestFromNimAreEquals(obj: UObjectPtr, numberStr: FString, number: cint,
# boolParam: bool): bool {.uebind.}
# proc setColorByStringInMesh(obj: UObjectPtr, color: FString): void {.uebind.}
var returnString = ""
proc printArray(obj: UObjectPtr, arr: TArray[FString]) = discard
# for str in arr: #add posibility to iterate over
# obj.saySomething(str)
proc testArrayEntryPoint*(executor: UObjectPtr) = discard
# let msg = testMultipleParams(executor, "hola", 10)
# executor.saySomething(msg)
# executor.setColorByStringInMesh("(R=1,G=1,B=1,A=1)")
# if executor.boolTestFromNimAreEquals("5", 5, true) == true:
# executor.saySomething("true")
# else:
# executor.saySomething("false" & $ sizeof(bool))
# let arr = testArrays(executor)
# let number = arr.num()
# # let str = $arr.num()
# arr.add("hola")
# arr.add("hola2")
# let arr2 = makeTArray[FString]()
# arr2.add("hola3")
# arr2[0] = "hola3-replaced"
# arr2.add($now() & " is it Nim TIME?")
# # printArray(executor, arr)
# let lastElement: FString = arr2[0]
# # let lastElement = makeFString("")
# returnString = "number of elements " & $arr.num() &
# "the element last element is " & lastElement
# # let nowDontCrash =
# # let msgArr = "The length of the array is " & $ arr.num()
# executor.saySomething(returnString)
# executor.printArray arr2
# executor.saySomething("length of the array5 is " & $ arr2.num())
# arr2.removeAt(0)
# arr2.remove("hola5")
# executor.saySomething("length of the array2 is after removed yeah " & $
# arr2.num())
# proc K2_SetActorLocation(obj: UObjectPtr, newLocation: FVector, bSweep: bool,
# SweepHitResult: var FHitResult, bTeleport: bool) {.uebind.}
proc testVectorEntryPoint*(executor: UObjectPtr) =
let v: FVector = makeFVector(10, 80, 100)
let v2 = v+v
let position = makeFVector(1100, 1000, 150)
var hitResult = makeFHitResult()
# K2_SetActorLocation(executor, position, false, hitResult, true)
# executor.saySomething(v2.toString())
# executor.saySomething(upVector.toString())
#Figure out: Array [X]
#Multicast Delegates
# if "TEnumAsByte" in cppType: #Not sure if it would be better to just support it on the macro
# return cppType.replace("TEnumAsByte<","")
# .replace(">", "")
# let nimType = cppType.replace("<", "[")
# .replace(">", "]")
# .replace("*", "Ptr")
# let delProp = castField[FDelegateProperty](prop)
# if not delProp.isNil():
# let signature = delProp.getSignatureFunction()
# var signatureAsStr = "ScriptDelegate["
# for prop in getFPropsFromUStruct(signature):
# let nimType = prop.getNimTypeAsStr()
# signatureAsStr = signatureAsStr & nimType & ","
# signatureAsStr[^1] = ']'
# return signatureAsStr
var isExecuted = false
proc scratchpad*(executor: UObjectPtr) =
if isExecuted: return
isExecuted = true
# UE_Log("here we test back")
let moduleName = FString("NimForUEBindings")
let classes = getAllClassesFromModule(moduleName)
let ef = EFieldIterationFlags.None
let cls = getClassByName("MyClassToTest")
let ueType = cls.toUEType()
ACharacter* = object of AActor
ACharacterPtr* = ptr ACharacter
ATestActor* = object of AActor
ANimForUEDemoCharacter* = object of ACharacter
uClass ANimGameCharTest of ANimForUEDemoCharacter:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
testName : FString
const ueEnumType = UEType(name: "EMyTestEnum", kind: uetEnum,
fields: @[
UEField(kind: uefEnumVal, name: "TestValue"),
UEField(kind: uefEnumVal, name: "TestValue2")
# uStruct FIntPropTests:
# (BlueprintType)
# uprop(BlueprintReadWrite):
# propInt8 : int8
# propInt16 : int16
# propInt32 : int32
# propInt64 : int64
# propByte : byte
# propUint16 : uint16
# propUint32 : uint32
# propUint64 : uint64
# propMapFloat : TMap[FString, float]
# propMapFloat2 : TMap[FString, float]
# propMapFloat3 : TMap[bool, FName]
# propVector : FVector
# propHitResult : FHitResult
# propActor : AActorPtr
# propActorSubclass : TSubclassOf[UObject]
# propSoftObject : TSoftObjectPtr[UObject]
# propSoftClass : TSoftClassPtr[AActor]
# propEnum : EMyTestEnum
uStruct FMyUStructDemo:
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
propString: FString
propInt: int32
propInt64: int
propInt642: int64
propFloat32: float32
# structInt : FIntPropTests
# propEnum : EMyTestEnum
propBool: bool
propObject: UObjectPtr
propClass: UClassPtr
propSubClass: TSubclassOf[AActor]
propArray: TArray[FString]
propArrayFloat: TArray[float]
propArrayBool: TArray[bool]
propAnother: int
propAnother2: int
propAnother3: int
propAnother22: int
propAnother31: int
# propMapFloat : TMap[FString, float]
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly):
propReadOnly: FString
propFloat: float
propFloat64: float64
propFName: FName
uClass UObjectDsl of UObject:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ExposeOnSpawn):
# testField : FString
testFieldInt: int = 100
testFieldAnother: FString = "hello world!!"
testFieldAnother2: bool = true
testFieldAnother3: bool
testFieldAnother321: FString
testFieldAnother32: FString
testFieldAnotherFSTRING: FString
testFieldAnother4: int32
testFieldAnother5: int32
testFieldAnother6: int32
# testFieldAnother7 : int32
testFieldAnother8: int32
# testFieldAnother9 : int32
# testFieldAnother91 : int32
testFieldAnother10: int32
testFieldAnother120: int32
testFieldAnother121: int32
testFieldAnother123: int32
# testFieldAnother124: int32
# testFieldAnother128: int32
# type FDynamicMulticastDelegateOneParamTest = object of UDelegateFunction
# type FDynamicDelegateOneParamTest = object of UDelegateFunction
# genDelegate(UEField(kind:uefDelegate, name: "DynamicMulticastDelegateOneParamTest", delKind:uedelMulticastDynScriptDelegate, delegateSignature: @["FString"]))
# genDelegate(makeFieldAsMulDel("DynamicMulticastDelegateOneParamTest", @["FString"]))
# type Whatever* = FDynamicMulticastDelegateOneParamTest
uEnum EMyEnumCreatedInDsl:
uDelegate FMyDelegate(str: FString, number: FString, another:int)
uDelegate FMyDelegate2Params(str: FString, param: TArray[FString])
uDelegate FMyDelegateNoParams()
uClass UComponentWithoutProps of UActorComponent:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, BlueprintSpawnableComponent)
uClass UNimTestComponent of UActorComponent:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable, BlueprintSpawnableComponent)#BlueprintSpawnableComponent
uprop(EditAnywhere, BluerpintReadWrite):
propString : FString
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintAssignable):
onWhatever : FMyDelegate
# proc nimComponentConstructor(initializer: var FObjectInitializer) {.cdecl.} =
# var obj = ueCast[UNimTestComponent](initializer.getObj())
# #call first cpp constructor:
# #maybe we should add default constructor and call only the parent constructor here?
# #if so, we could automatize it so it just call it first on the macro itself.
# obj.getClass().getFirstCppClass().classConstructor(initializer)
# obj.propString = "Hey CDO modified here"
# #first
# UE_Warn "Class Constructor called from for the UNimTestComponent!!"
# addClassConstructor("UNimTestComponent", nimComponentConstructor)
uClass UObjectNim of UObject:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ExposeOnSpawn):
testField: FString
testField2: FString
anoptherField : int
(BlueprintPure, self: UObjectNimPtr, Static)
proc addTwoNumbers3(param: int, param2: int) : int = param + param2
proc addTwoNumbers4(param: int, param2: int) : int = param + param2
proc addTwoNumbers5(param: int, param2: int) : int =
UE_Warn "Hello from object" & self.getName()
param + param2
proc helloObject(param: FString): FString {. CallInEditor .} =
UE_Warn "Hello from object" & param
proc helloObjectNimParam(param: FString): int {.ufunc.} =
UE_Warn "Hello from object2 " & param
proc addTwoNumbers(param: int, param2: int) : int = param + param2
proc addTwoNumbersTest(param: int, param2: int) : FString {.BlueprintPure.} = $(param + param2)
proc addTwoNumbersTest3(param: int, param2: int) : FString {.BlueprintPure.} = $(param + param2)
proc addTwoNumbersTest4(param: int, param2: int) : FString {.BlueprintPure.} = $(param + param2)
proc addTwoNumbersTest9(param: int, param2: int) : int {.BlueprintPure.} = param + param2
proc addTwoNumbers2(param: int, param2: int) : int {.ufunc BlueprintCallable .} = param + param2
proc returnObjectTest(param: int, param2: int) : UObjectNimPtr {.ufunc.} =
UE_Warn "Hello from object " & $param
# proc objectNimConstructor(initializer: var FObjectInitializer) {.cdecl.} =
# var obj = ueCast[UObjectNim](initializer.getObj())
# #call first cpp constructor:
# #maybe we should add default constructor and call only the parent constructor here?
# #if so, we could automatize it so it just call it first on the macro itself.
# obj.getClass().getFirstCppClass().classConstructor(initializer)
# obj.testField = "Hey CDO modified here another"
# #first
# UE_Warn "Class Constructor Called from for the UObjectNim!!"
# addClassConstructor("UObjectNim", objectNimConstructor)
uClass AActorDslParentNim of ATestActor:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ExposeOnSpawn):
testFieldparent: FString
proc receiveBeginPlay(self:AActorDslParentNimPtr) =
UE_Error("begin play called in actor DSL parent nim")
func calcSomething(x:int32):int32 = x * 2
uClass AActorDsl of AActorDslParentNim:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
testField: FString = self.getName()
testBoolConstructor : bool
testBoolDefault : bool = true
test9: float
anotherField3: int32 = 21
anotherField2: int32 = calcSomething(200)
anotherField1: int32 = 120
anotherFieldArr: TArray[int32]
anotherFieldEnum: EMyTestEnum
nimCreatedDsl: EMyEnumCreatedInDsl = SomethingElse
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite):
nimTestComp: UNimTestComponentPtr
nimTestComp2: UNimTestComponentPtr = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UNimTestComponent](n"NimTestComponent2")
objectNim: UObjectNimPtr = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UObjectNim](n"Object")
objectNim2: UObjectNimPtr
uprop(BlueprintReadWrite, BlueprintAssignable, BlueprintCallable):
multicastDynOneParamNimAnother: FMyDelegate
multicastDynOneParamNimAnother2Params: FMyDelegate2Params
multicastDel: FMyDelegateNoParams
anotherField5 : FString
# proc actorDslConstructor(initializer: var FObjectInitializer) {.cdecl.} =
# var obj = ueCast[AActorDsl](initializer.getObj())
# #call first cpp constructor:
# #maybe we should add default constructor and call only the parent constructor here?
# #if so, we could automatize it so it just call it first on the macro itself.
# obj.getClass().getFirstCppClass().classConstructor(initializer)
# obj.nimTestComp = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UNimTestComponent](n"NimTestComponent")
# obj.objectNim = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UObjectNim](n"Object")
# obj.test3 = 2323
# #first
# UE_Warn "Class Constructor Called from for the actorDsl!!"
# addClassConstructor("AActorDsl", actorDslConstructor)
proc actorDslConstructor(self2:AActorDslPtr, initializer:FObjectInitializer) {.uConstructor.} =
self2.nimTestComp = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UNimTestComponent](n"NimTestComponent")
self2.objectNim2 = initializer.createDefaultSubobject[:UObjectNim](n"Object2")
self2.testBoolConstructor = true
UE_Warn "Class Constructor Called for the actorDsl via the macro!"
#test constructor on NimComponent and on a Regular Object (then do a test over the default constructor approach)
proc helloActorDsl(self: AActorDslPtr): void {.ufunc.}=
UE_Warn "Hello from Aactor"
proc helloActorDsl2(self: AActorDslPtr): void {.ufunc.}=
UE_Warn "Hello from Aactor2"
proc notifyActorBeginOverlap(self: AActorDslPtr, otherActor:AActorPtr) {.ufunc.} =
UE_Log "Actor overlaped whatev1"
(BlueprintCallable, self: AActorDslPtr)
#TODO handle the prefixes so the user can just use the same name
proc beginPlay() =
UE_Warn "Hello begin play from Aactor child in NIm" & self.getName()
self.testBoolConstructor = true
self.nimTestComp.onWhatever.broadcast("whaaat", "asd", 45)
# proc tick(self: AActorDslPtr, deltaSeconds:float32): void =
# UE_Warn "Hello begin play from Aactor whatever takes a lot of time about seem to work5 seconds" & self.getName()
proc implmentableEventTest() {.BlueprintImplementableEvent.}
proc callEditorTest() {.CallInEditor.} =
# discard
UE_Log "Hello from the editor5"
self.implmentableEventTest() #call the function above instead of the blueprint one when being overriden
var str:FString = ""
# self.implmentableEventTestWithReturn("echo", str)
UE_Log "Called from nim and returns " & $ str
proc userConstructionScript() =
UE_Warn "Hello from the construction script, pretty cool" & self.getName()
proc addTwoNumbers6(param: TArray[int], param2: var TArray[int], param3: var bool) : void =
param2 = param.toSeq().map(x=>x*x).toTArray()
proc anotherFn(paramOut: var bool, test : FString) : void =
paramOut = true
proc another2() : FString = "another"
(BlueprintCallable, this:AActorDslPtr)
proc anotherFunction(test:int) : FString {.BlueprintPure.} = "Whatever"
proc sayHelloNewWay() {. CallInEditor .} =
UE_Log "hello" & this.getName
uClass ANimCharacter of ACharacter:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly):
jumpSpeed : FString
proc onJumped(self:ANimCharacterPtr) =
UE_Warn "onJumped snim"
proc didJump(self:ANimCharacterPtr) =
UE_Warn "didJump nim"
type UMyClassToDeriveToTestUFunctions = object of UObject
uClass UMyClassToDeriveToTestUFunctionsNim of UMyClassToDeriveToTestUFunctions:
(BlueprintType, Blueprintable)
uprop(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ExposeOnSpawn):
testField: FString
testField3: FString
proc implementableEventTest(self:UMyClassToDeriveToTestUFunctionsNimPtr, param:FString) : void {.ufunc, BlueprintCallable.} =
UE_Warn "Hello from nim modified " & param
#Review the how
proc scratchpadEditor*() =
let nueBingingsPkg = getPackageByName("NimForUEBindings")
# for obj in getAllObjectsFromPackage[UEnum](nueBingingsPkg):
# UE_Warn "Found enum at NimForUEBindings " & obj.getName()
# for obj in getAllObjectsFromPackage[UEnum](nimPackage):
# UE_Warn "Found enum at Nim " & obj.getName()
for obj in getAllObjectsFromPackage[UFunction](getPackageByName("Engine")):
if obj.getName() == "ReceiveBeginPlay":
UE_Warn "Found function at " & obj.getOuter().getName()
UE_Log "Flags are " & $uint32(obj.functionFlags)
except Exception as e:
echo ""
UE_Warn e.msg
UE_Warn e.getStackTrace()