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Raw C++ Virtual example

include ../unreal/prelude
import ../codegen/[gencppclass, models, ueemit]
class Foo {
int field1;
virtual int getField1(){
return field1;
const ClassTemplate = """
struct $1 : public $3 {
Foo {.importcpp, inheritable.} = object
field1: int32
FooPtr = ptr Foo
Boo {.exportc, codegenDecl:ClassTemplate.} = object of Foo
field2 : int
BooPtr = ptr Boo
proc getField1(foo:FooPtr) : int32 {.importcpp.}
uClass ARawCppActor of AActor:
proc testRawCpp() =
var foo = Foo(field1:20)
let fooPtr = foo.addr
UE_Log "Foo field1 is " & $fooPtr.getField1()
proc testChild() =
var boo = Boo(field1: 10, field2:30)
let booPtr = boo.addr
UE_Log "Boo field1 is " & $booPtr.getField1()
# class MyCppClass of