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Network replication example

uClass AReplicatedActor of AActor:
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, ReplicatedUsing=onRepReplicatedVar):
replicatedVar: float32
#Notice you can pass Cond and RepNotify as parameters.
uprops(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Replicated, Cond=InitialOnly, RepNotify=Always):
anotherReplicatedVar: float32
#When an actor is set to be replicated. On spawn (only the server should spawn it), the server will replicate the actor to all clients.
#If replicate movement is enabled, it will also replicate the Location, Rotation and Velocity of the Actor.
bReplicates = true
setReplicateMovement true
proc onRepReplicatedVar() =
#Notice this is only called in the client by default (like in C++). One can call it in the server by calling it explicitly
printString self, "replicatedVar has been replicated", duration = 5
proc beginPlay() =
if self.hasAuthority: #You can only modify var to be replicated in the server
self.replicatedVar = 10
printString self, "replicatedVar has been set to 10", duration = 5
let role = self.getLocalRole()
log "Role: {role}"
ufuncs(BlueprintCallable, Reliable, Server):
proc serverRPCTest(n: float32) =
assert self.hasAuthority()
printString self, "serverRPCTest", duration = 5
ufuncs(BlueprintCallable, Client):
proc clientRPCTest() =
printString self, "clientRPCTest", duration = 5
ufuncs(BlueprintCallable, NetMulticast):
proc multicastRPCTest() =
printString self, "multicastRPCTest", duration = 5

Replicated vars can have optionally two Metas Cond and RepNotify the values are pretty much the ones in ELifetimeCondition and ELifetimeRepNotifyCondition without the prefix.

You can also pass over a function when ReplicatedUsing.

The uClass macro will expand getLifetimeReplicatedProps when a uprop is marked as Replicated or ReplicatedUsing to something like:

proc getLifetimeReplicatedProps(outLifetimeProps: var TArray[FLifetimeProperty]) {. virtual, override, constcpp.} =
let prop = self.getClass.getFPropertyByName("replicatedVar")
var lifetimeParams = FDoRepLifetimeParams(condition: COND_None, repNotifyCondition: REPNOTIFY_OnChanged)
registerReplicatedLifetimeProperty(prop, outLifetimeProps, lifetimeParams)

This way the user doesnt have to do write it - notice in the example: there is only one prop expanded, but in the code of the example there will be two.