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Casting example


proc MoveToLocation(actor: AActorPtr, location: FVector) =
var hitResult: FHitResult
discard actor.setActorLocation(location, false, hitResult, false)
let rootComponent = actor.getRootComponent()
# Cast the rootComponent to UPrimitiveComponent
let primitiveComponent = ueCast[UPrimitiveComponent](rootComponent)
# If cast fails it returns nil pointer
if primitiveComponent.isNil: return

Other options

Possibly there are other ways to cast:

  • tryUECast - func tryUECast*[T : UObject](obj:UObjectPtr) : Option[ptr T] - wraps the cast pointer in Option[ptr T]
  • tryCast - func tryCast*[T: SomePointer](pntr: SomePointer): Option[T]