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Configuration files


The game.json file is the main configuration file for NimForUE. It can contains the following fields:

  • bpOnly - By default set to true. This fields defines if bindings to Unreal Engine modules should be limited only to those exposed to Blueprints. Setting it to false will cause full bindings to be generated for all included modules (.uproject and extraModuleNames). To generate full bindings only for specific modules, use extraNonBpModuleNames field.
  • extraModuleNames - By default NimForUE generates bondings only for modules listed in the .uproject file. This fields allows specifying a list of additional modules to generate bindings for.
  • extraNonBpModuleNames - By default Nim will generate module bindings only for things exposed to blueprint. If you want fo generate full bindings to a specified module, you should add it to this property.
  • vctoolset - The version of Visual Studio to use for building the project. You can find the version used by Unreal Engine in the Plugins/NimForUE/toolchain_dir.txt file.

The game.json file should be placed in the /NimForUE directory alongside your Nim code.

After making changes to the file run ./nue genbindingsall and then ./nue game to recompile the Nim code.

game.json example
"extraModuleNames": ["GameplayTasks"],
"extraNonBpModuleNames": ["PCG", "GameplayTasks"],
"vctoolset": "14.33.31629"