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The uFunctions macro

(BlueprintCallable, self:AExampleActorPtr) #you must specify the type and any shared meta like this.
proc anotherUFunction(param : FString) : int32 = 10 #now you can define the function as you normally would.
proc yetAnotherUFunction(param : FString) : FString =
self.getName() #you can access to the actor itself by the name you specify in the uFunctions macro.
proc customPragma(param : FString) : int32 {. BlueprintPure .} = 10 #you can also specify custom pragmas per functions rather than creating a new block
proc callFromTheEditor() {. CallInEditor .} =
UE_Log "Call from the editor. Changed again now with the watcher. Was change this, asa"
proc test(param:int32) = discard

The ufuncs keyword

The ufuncs keyword is used to mark procedures in Nim as UFUNCTION in Unreal Engine. It can be used only from within the uClass macro.

ufuncs allows for specifying multiple procedures at once - all of them will be marked as UFUNCTION with the provided specifiers.

## Example
uClass UConstantsLibrary of UBlueprintFunctionLibrary:
ufuncs(Static, BlueprintCallable, BlueprintPure):
proc getPi(): float64 =
return 3.14
proc getE(): float64 =
return 2.71828

The ufunc pragma

proc myUFunction(self: AExampleActorPtr, param : FString) : int32 {. ufunc, BlueprintCallable .} =
UE_Log "UFunction called"